It’s often a challenge for a new user to find the Linux distro that best suits their needs. Here are some important considerations when choosing a Linux distro.
How do you get firmware updates in Linux? Where do you get the drivers for your hardware? The answer lies in LVFS. Learn what LVFS is and how to use it.
There are a few ways to get Telegram installed on your Linux desktop. Here we go through all the different ways to install the Telegram Desktop app in Linux.
openSUSE is a long-standing member of the Linux community that’s less common on the desktop. Check out our openSUSE review and see if it is suitable for you.
If you’ve installed Steam games in Linux and heard a cracking in the audio, then you are not alone. Here’s how to fix the Steam games cracking sound issue in Linux.
Your first foray into the terminal could be intimidating. To help with that, here are some Bash tips and tricks to work smarter, not harder, in the terminal.
There is a wide range of powerful Linux debuggers which will make it very easy to locate weak points or bugs in your applications. Check them out here.