William has been fiddling with tech for as long as he remembers. This naturally transitioned into helping friends with their tech problems and then into tech blogging.
It is easy to setup a virtual operating system with VirtualBox, but sharing USB and network devices in VirtualBox is not as straightforward. Learn how to do so here.
There are desktop authenticator apps that can provide you with the secret key from your desktop. Here are the best authenticator apps for the Linux desktop.
ArcoLinux is based on Arch Linux and was created with the aim of educating people on how to use Linux. This ArcoLinux review talks about how it works and who it is for.
The most recent Linux 5.7 kernel update was released earlier this year and brings with it some exciting changes. Let’s explore some of its best features.
FydeOS is a fork of Chromium OS aimed at the Chinese market. You’ll learn here how to install FydeOS on Raspberry Pi and will experience a quick walkthrough of the OS.
There are a few Ubuntu remixes out there, but one of the notable ones is UMix. It makes use of the Unity desktop instead of Gnome. Here is our UMix review.
Have you ever wanted to search the Web while typing away on the command line? There are a few ways for you to search the Web from Terminal. Check them out!