The setuid permission is important in a Unix system. Here is how setuid works and how it allows users to run executables/binaries with escalated privileges.
There are tons of commands that you can run in the Linux terminal, and if you want to list the content of a directory, you can do so with these commands.
Do you know that Linux has its very own command-line spellcheck utility to check your writing in the Terminal? Here’s how to use aspell to spellcheck in Linux.
In Linux, you can use a soft or hard link to connect two files together. Check out the differences between soft and hard links and which one you should use.
There are a few ways to find and locate files from the terminal in Linux. find, locate, which and whereis are some of the commonly used commands to do so.
How does your PC keep track of time? It picks a point of reference and counts the number of seconds elapsed since that point! This is what Epoch Time is about.
In a shared directory, there are cases where other user accidentally deleted your files. Here is how to use sticky bits to manage your file permission.
You may have heard of Linux inodes, but are not sure what is it and how it affects your Linux system. Here we will explain what is inodes and how it works.
A very useful feature in Linux is the “Access Control Lists” that controls access to files and directories. Here’s how access control lists work in Linux.