Andrew Braun is a lifelong tech enthusiast with a wide range of interests, including travel, economics, math, data analysis, fitness, and more. He is an advocate of cryptocurrencies and other decentralized technologies, and hopes to see new generations of innovation continue to outdo each other.
If you’re looking to become a programmer, it’s important to know the difference between Java and Javascript and know which programming language to learn.
Starting with Firefox 73, the site-specific browser feature is added as a core part of the browser. Here’s how you can enable site-specific browser in Firefox.
Zoom comes with a ton of features that can make video conferencing a lot smoother and even more fun. Check out these features to give your Zoom experience a boost.
A NAS server lets you store and access files over your local network. If you have a Raspberry Pi, you can easily and cheaply build a NAS server with the Pi.
Blockchain has gone a long way and is now changing various aspects of our life. Here are a few examples of how blockchains are changing the games we play.
Setting up a new router could be fun. You get to name networks, tweak settings, squeeze out some extra speed, and poke around to see what you can do. Here’s how to do it.
Sometimes the padlock in your browser’s address bar changes color, gets an extra symbol layered on top of it, or turns into text. What does it really mean?
The Bitcoin network doesn’t have the capacity to process multiple transactions at once. The Lightning Network is looking to change this and fasten up bitcoin transaction.
A data-scraping tool allows you to extract data from web pages efforelessly and format them in a spreadsheet. Data Miner is one of the better implementations.
Thanks to the Interplanetary File System, we can now enjoy a faster and more efficient content delivery and also a more democratic decentralized Internet.
You’ve probably noticed an increase in the number of sites displaying boxes requiring your cookie permission. What do all these cookie consent notices really mean?
You have probably already kept your cryptocurrency safe, but if you have not, here are some ways you can secure your cryptocurrency wallet and keep it safe.
There is a hidden Android developer options that give you access to dozens of little tweaks to help you get a little more out of your phone. Here’s how to use it.
If you live in a decently-sized Asian city, odds are you’ll only need one “super app.” Most started out with a few functions but have turned into miniature operating systems for life.
Apple’s new “Sign in with Apple” system is aiming to fix the privacy issue with other third-party login systems. Here’s how Sign in with Apple works and how it is different from the rest.
There are times when you need a quick tool to blur out or censor some part of an image. Here are some useful tools that allow you to blur images online.
One of the biggest divisions in blockchain technology is permissioned vs. permissionless blockchains. Here are the differences between a permissoned and permissionless blockchain.
Learning to code is not a difficult task. These coding games cover plenty of languages, age ranges, and skill levels to help you learn coding the easy way.
Stablecoins are cryptocurrencies designed specifically to prevent big changes in their value. Are they safer than Bitcoins and other cryptocurrency? Let’s find out.
Chocolatey allows you to manage and update all of your Windows programs through a single interface rather than having to wrangle them all individually.