How to Manage Zip Files in Chromebook

Manage Zip Files Chromebook Featured

If you just bought a Chromebook and are wondering how to unzip the compressed files your friend sent to you or zip up a bunch of files so you can send to your friend, you will be happy to know that Chrome OS comes with built-in support for zip files.

A lot of users may think the Chromebook can’t handle such a simple file type, owing to the unconventional way the device deals with zip files, but it actually can manage zip files.

This tutorial will show you how to manage your zip files in Chromebook.

How to Zip and Unzip Files on Chromebook

The Files app is the place to go to manage all your files in Chromebook, and this will also be the only app you need to manage your zip files.

1. Download the zipped files to the Downloads folder.

2. Open the Files app, and go to the Downloads folder.

3. Double-click on the zipped file. This will open the zipped file. You should also see it mounted on the left sidebar.

Chrome Files App Mounted Zip File

4. From here, you can copy the file(s) you want to extract and paste them to the folder you want.

Chromeos Copy Zip Files

5. To unmount the zipped file, click the Eject icon on the left sidebar.

Chromeos Unmount Zip Files

To create a zip file:

1. Open the Files app, and select all the files you want to compress.

2. Right-click and select “Zip Selection.”

Chromeos Zip Selection

3. A file named “” will be created. You can rename it by right-clicking and selecting “Rename.”

Chromeos Rename Zip Files

That’s it.

We’d love to hear how you zip or unzip your files in your Chromebook. Is there a preferred tool or app you use that we didn’t cover or a different process that works for you? Let us know in a comment below.

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