Kali Linux is a Linux distro for security testing. It includes software from Aircrack to John the Ripper. Here’s how you can install Kali Linux on your PC.
If you want to use the Kodi media center on your Raspberry Pi, you can run it using OSMC. Here’s how you can install OSMC on your model of Raspberry Pi.
Recovering deleted files isn’t easy, but it isn’t impossible. Foremost is designed to forensically search your drive to recover deleted files in Linux.
Learning how to use the terminal can improve your Linux knowledge. If you’re struggling with Linux commands, you can use the Kmdr tool to explain them.
There are a few ways to quickly check whether a package is currently installed. Here’s how you can check whether or not a package is installed in Linux.
Started since 2002, Arch Linux has built up a large, loyal following of users who love Arch’s KISS approach, where minimalism and choice reign supreme.
The power button on your Android phone might break after years of usage. Here’s how you can turn on your Android phone when the power button stops working.
Windows 10 is now four years old, and Microsoft has begun to look towards the future. The Windows Core OS Project is Microsoft’s plan to develop one single OS for the future.
In most cases, video-editing software for Linux is free to use. If you want to get started, here are four of the best Linux video editors for you to try.
We fill our smartphones full of our most critically sensitive data. To protect your phone, here are some of the best app lockers for Android you should use.
Struggling to keep your file downloads organized? If you don’t already have a download manager installed on your Linux machine, here are four of the best.
If you’re considering giving Linux a try, you might be put off by the risk of a steep learning curve. Here are 5 of the best Linux distros for beginners.
If you’re having problems with your Chromebook, you may need to do a factory reset to return it to its original state. Learn how to reset or powerwash your Chromebook.
If your Windows partition is BitLocker-encrypted, it’s difficult to access it in Linux. Here’s how you can mount a Bitlocker-encrypted partition in Linux.
All you need is a Windows 10 PC and a decent connection between your Xbox One and router to stream your Xbox One games to Windows. Here’s how to do it.