How to Keep Data on iOS Device Private

One of the problems with iOS devices is that they are so universal and can do so many different things that they often aren’t used by just one person. Yet sometimes you have pictures, notes, and websites that you might not want the whole family privy to. That’s where My Secret App comes in handy.

Sure, you can put a lock on on your device, but if you do end up loaning it out for someone to make a quick call or watch a quick video, the device is already opened up, meaning they could be privy to everything on your device. This app helps keep keep the most private things private.


This app opens up to a picture of a lock on a safe, because that’s exactly what it is. It’s a safe for your most private items on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch. While it looks like a folder on your device, it’s really an app hiding all these secret items. When you first open the app it allows you to set a secret code, one you will use every other time you open the app.


Among the internal apps that this app holds is a photo locker. Sometimes there are pictures you just don’t want everyone privy to. You can add photos to this app from your regular photo albums, or can take photos from within the app and have them stored here, in multiple different photo albums if you wish. It’s important to mention that if the photo was originally stored in your normal photo album, it will be in your photo stream, and while you can delete it from your camera roll, it will stay in your photo stream. However, if you snap the photo from within this app, it won’t appear in your photo stream or the camera roll, and will only be stored within this app.


Notes can be kept just as private. While this operates much like the Notes app, it’s information you can jot down and keep private, seen only by your own eyes. While you can transfer this information using a simple copy and paste, you canĀ  also head to the settings in the app and export it into File Sharing in iTunes. Documents can be imported this same way as well.


Yet perhaps the most useful internal app with My Secret App is the browser. You can set it to behave like either Safari or Firefox, as well as utilize different search engines. It opens in tabs, and can keep bookmarks and a history. But you’re the only one that will ever know. Your browsed sites will stay hidden safely within this app, as well as anything you download.


There is no need to worry about someone trying secretly to unlock this app. You’ll have a record every time someone tries to break in. With each attempt to open the app, whether successful or unsuccessful, you can set it to snap a picture of whoever is trying to open it using the front end camera. Along with the picture will be a map of where this person was located when they tried opening your private information. It’s something that can definitiely make you breathe much easier.

That’s what this app is designed to do, make you breathe much easier. It’s doubtful someone will figure out a four-digit code to enter the app, but if they do, you will know. The only secrets this app keeps are yours.

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