4 More iOS Apps to Help With the Job Search

In this current bad economy, one of the hardest things to do is to find a job, any job really. They’re very hard to come by. Many people are working at jobs they’re over-qualified for, just to have something. It used to be that people would check out the want ads in the newspaper to look for employment, but many people don’t even get a hard-copy edition of the newspaper anymore, preferring to read it online, and in that case, the want ads usually aren’t included.

That’s where iOS apps come in handy. There are several available to help in your search. Hopefully you can find one that will suit your needs so that you don’t have to download several and check them all every day. And if you’re looking for a job, you obviously need every extra penny that you have, so the following is a selection of some good job listing apps that are free in the app store.



One of the biggest job sites on the Internet is monster.com. It’s one of the first places some people go to look online for a job. They also have an iOS app to help those who are searching on an iPad or iPhone. It provides some great tools. For one, it allows for you to filter the search so that you only get ads posted within a certain timeframe, as well as location, education level, etc. You can apply directly from the app, but if it’s better for you to do from a website, they will tell you. The app also saves your cover letters and resumés. But most helpful is “Apply History.” It will keep track of all the different jobs you apply for. When you start getting responses, you won’t have to wonder which job it was, whether it was the one for minimum wage, or the one making $20 an hour.



The JobAware app shows all the normal stats with a couple of great additions. One is that you can check the going salary of jobs. This mentions all the major cities in the U.S., and shows what the salary is in each of those places, and also shows the population of the city for comparison’s sake. Once you find a job you are interested in, i allows you to share it via email, and/or Facebook and Twitter. You don’t want to do too much sharing, though, or someone else could steal the job out from underneath you!

Craigslist Job Watch


Another popular site online that people use to search for jobs, among other things, is Craigslist. The Craigslist Job Watch app allows you to track just one job search, but you can purchase more job searches for ninety-nine cents apiece. The search handles general areas and general fields, but allows you to search within the results to narrow down the search. It’s somewhat limiting, and doesn’t offer the same options as the other sites, but being one of the most popular places to find posted jobs, it’s probably one you will want to keep track of.

Career Jet


The Career Jet app offers the search results in the window on the left, and clicking on one of the jobs, offers up more information in the window on the right. The information that pops up is the exact ad as placed at the job search website, such as careerbuilder.com or beyond.com, instead of just the text. You can apply and get more info right from that window. While the text reads very small, pinching allows you to reduce and enlarge the size of the text.

These apps won’t ensure that you get that perfect job, but they will definitely aid in that process. It’s a tough time in this economic picture to find a job, but if there’s one out there for you, these iOS apps will help you find it quickly and easily.

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