Apple introduced the Reminders app in Mountain Lion. With a little configuration, you can now share your reminders with your friends via iCloud. Here’s how you can do it.
Searching for apps on iOS 6 is not a user-friendly task as the search list only show 1 result at a time. Here’s a quick and easy way that you can use to quickly browse and compare several apps on your browser without having to install additional software.
Previously, syncing Google contacts to iPhone requires you to connect using Microsoft Exchange. Google has recently released a CardDav sync for its Google Contacts and it is now very easy to get your Google contacts onto your iPhone. Here are the steps.
The newest Photo Stream upgrade is the ability to create multiple albums you can share, right from your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch. If you’re on a Mac, you can also share, modify, comment and edit these pictures on Apple’s iPhoto software.
Apple included over 200 new features with OS X Mountain Lion. You probably have become familiar with most of them including iMessage, Dictation and AirPlay Mirroring, but maybe some have gone unnoticed. Here are 5 tips and tricks you may have missed.