David Gitonga is an avid reader and writer and has worked with various companies to design, develop, and maintain their websites. A tech enthusiast, David explores ways that businesses can leverage the Internet and move their businesses to the next level. He also works with various tech journals and popular websites that report on industry news, especially in the cloud computing field. David holds a degree in Information Technology.
If you are looking your very own drone, what should you look out for? What are some of the more popular drones that you can purchase? Check it out here.
If you are starting to setup your website, it can be hard to decide whether to hire a web designer or go with the different DIY website creators out there. Here are some points you should consider.
Without the correct techniques, you can’t take great photos even with a great camera on hand. Here is how you can take great photos using your Android phone.
A year ago, many hailed the Chromecast as a failure. Now, with a growing list of apps, it is set to take over your TV. Let check out the new features of Chromecast.