Sarah is a professional blogger and writer who specializes in all things tech, education and entrepreneurship. When she isn't writing awesome things for her clients or teaching cute kids how to write, you can find her meditating, doing yoga, and making illustrations for her children's books.
Using compatible software, external HD display & a dock that allows TV or monitor attachments, you can now turn an Android device into a full-fledged desktop.
While your computer may have a preinstalled app, it is always helpful to understand how to recalibrate your laptop battery manually. Follow these steps.
While the Internet of Things might seem like it will help a lot of people, security is a big issue that needs to be carefully assessed and looked into.
Apps are no longer just mindless games. They can be very useful to help children with special needs & developmental delays. Here are 5 iOS apps to help.
Even if you’re not an expert on Internet connections, there are a few simple ways to improve the strength and speed of your wireless network. Here’s how.
Instead of lugging around heavy equipment on daily photo outings, you can instead use multiple apps on your smartphone. Here are 5 great apps for photographers.
To ensure you are safeguarding your computer and Internet activity, it’s necessary to use the following tips to lock down your insecure wireless router.
In order to know which smartwatch is best suited for your technology needs, we’ve reviewed Pebble Time and Apple Watch in terms of price, design, battery life & functionality.
In order to keep your phone or tablet up and running in a way that does not require electricity, consider one of these five eco-friendly charging devices.