Comments on: 8 of the Best Linux Distros for Windows Users Uncomplicating the complicated, making life easier Tue, 31 May 2022 12:15:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: dragonmouth Tue, 31 May 2022 12:15:58 +0000 In reply to Gérard.

“One problem I see is that Linux Lite does not support 32bit CPU architecture”
Check out this MakeTechEasier article from April of this year:

11 Linux Distros That Still Support 32-Bit Architecture

One answer to the disappearing 32 bit distros is to keep copies of their .ISO files on CD/DVDs or USB drives. Then you can install them on old hardware. They may not be the Latest & Greatest but at least they will be 32 bit.

Another answer may be source-based distros such as Linux from Scratch or Sorcerer or Gentoo.

However, the number of 32 bit Windows users switching to Linux is getting to be vanishingly small.

By: dragonmouth Tue, 31 May 2022 11:55:03 +0000 In reply to Distant Tro.

Another site to test distros is OnWorks

By: James Mon, 30 May 2022 10:00:29 +0000 In reply to dragonmouth.

I totally agree. I left Windows for a reason, the last thing I want is a Linux OS that is like Windows. I went down that road with Zorin, which was great to start with, but then became to “Windows like” in other words locked down and hidden. I want Linux to be Linux, open source, customizable and secure.

By: Distant Tro Sun, 29 May 2022 02:07:27 +0000 An interesting site for trying a distro is
Pick a distro and run online. Works fine for getting exposure to a desktop and how well features work. Even simpler than running off usb stick.

Just wanted to comment that Kubuntu is not just Ubuntu with a Plasma desktop. It has a different set of developers with some odd ideas about what you can and can’t do. A year or so ago when I tried Kubuntu, you could not run the built in file manager as root, for example. Had to go get another manager.

If you really want Ubuntu with Plasma, the best distro is KDE neon. No bloat, add your own programs.

Ubuntu Budgie is what I migrated to after playing with a dozen or so distros. Love it, simple, dock actually works, desktop is a cross between MacOS and Windows. Although most desktops beside gnome are OK. Gnome works like a phone screen. Lots of poking, stuff disappears, gigantic icons; super annoying.

By: dragonmouth Sat, 28 May 2022 13:06:55 +0000 The last release of ChaletOS was in July of 2016. By now it is severely outdated.

Instead of all these (6 out of 8) Ubuntu respins, I would suggest PCLinuxOS.

“Why aren’t these distros identical to Windows?”
Therein lies the problem. Most users switching from Windows to Linux want an O/S that looks, feels and works like Windows, and runs Windows programs but is not from Microsoft.

But to answer the question – Windows is a proprietary O/S copyrighted by Microsoft which means no other O/S can be identical to it. Microsoft is VERY jealous about Windows and will prosecute any transgressors vigorously and with prejudice.

Why should Linux be identical to Windows? I don’t see or hear any complaints that OS/X is not identical to Windows.

If someone wants to learn Linux, insisting on doing things the “Windows way” is counterproductive.

By: Gérard Sat, 28 May 2022 11:44:15 +0000 Dear Ms Crowder,

You wrote (about Linux Lite)

requires very few resources, making it perfect for older hardware.

One problem I see is that Linux Lite does not support 32bit CPU architecture… and older computers may more often have such characteristic. I recommend Q4OS (looks very much like Windows XP interface) or MX Linux or Linux Mint or even Debian for 32bit computers.


By: dave Sat, 28 May 2022 00:06:13 +0000 According to DistroWatch, ChaletOS has been discontinued. Also, it’s made in Siberia if your politics influence your decisions.
