DeskConnect – Send Files Easily Between Mac and iOS Devices

DeskConnect - Send Files Between Mac and iOS Devices

In a world that’s full of gadgets, people who constantly switch between devices need a reliable and efficient method to move their data from one place to another. There are various methods that you can use to do that, but if you are living in the Apple environment, you might want to check out DeskConnect. It’s an app for Mac and iOS that can send files between Mac and iOS devices, from a simple text to clipboard content to website links to map location to images and documents.

DeskConnect vs. AirDrop

Why would you even consider using DeskConnect when Apple has already included AirDrop natively in the soul of both macOS and iOS? For those who are not familiar with AirDrop, it’s a file transfer service which enables users to send files wirelessly among supported Macintosh computers and iOS devices without using mail or a mass storage device.

The problem with AirDrop is that it requires a modern Wi-Fi chipset, which means older desktops and notebooks may be unsupported. You can tell whether or not your Mac can use AirDrop by going to the “Apple -> About This Mac -> System Report -> System Information -> WiFi” menu (or use Spotlight to open “System Information”) and scroll down to the AirDrop entry.

Distance also becomes a problem with AirDrop. You can’t share files to devices that located outside of the WiFi range.

DeskConnect - Send files between Mac and iOS

Those with older machines have no choice but to find alternatives to AirDrop, and DeskConnect can be the answer to their prayers. The benefit of the service is that it works with all generations of hardware because it uses a different method to share. Instead of using a direct WiFi/Bluetooth wireless connection which depends heavily on hardware compatibility, DeskConnect uses temporary cloud storage as the buffer.

Another advantage of this method is that your devices don’t have to be near one another. You can send your files to any devices anywhere in the world as long as they are using the same account.

The disadvantage of using such method is that you need an Internet connection for it to work, and you can’t send files to users with a different account.

Using DeskConnect

To use the app you need to install it on at least two devices. You can download the Mac version here and the iOS version here. Then create a DeskConnect account from either version of the app and log in to all of your devices using the same account. After that, sending files between your devices is as simple as dragging and dropping or pushing the Share button.

Sending and Receiving Files on the Mac

After installation DeskConnect for your Mac will reside in the menubar. To send files to another device, just drag and drop those files to the menubar icon and pick which device you want to send them to. Those files will automatically appear at the destined location.

DeskConnect menubar

When you receive files from other gadgets, a notification will appear – even if DeskConnect is not opened. To view the files you need to open the app. They will be listed under “Recent” in the menubar.

You can set it so that the files will open automatically after they’re received by going to “Preferences -> General.”

DeskConnect Preferences

Sending and Receiving Files on iOS Devices

On iOS devices you can send files from within the app itself or by using the “Share” button from other supporting apps.

DeskConnect iOS Sharing

If you receive files, they will appear in the main window of DeskConnect. Simply tap on one of them to open it. Then you can continue to save the item or open it using supporting applications.

Privacy and Security

Even though DeskConnect stated that all the files sent using the app would be encrypted end to end, there are concerns about privacy and security on Internet-transferred files. The general rule is if you think your files contain sensitive information, don’t use third party services.

But if you are looking for a quick and easy solution to move and send files between Mac and iOS devices that is not limited by hardware compatibility nor distance, you should consider DeskConnect.

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