How to Invert the Display Colors on Your Mac

Invert Colors Mac Cover

Inverting display colors is a common accessibility feature that’s available on nearly every operating system today. macOS also features an option to to do this on your Mac. Using this feature can help you to view text or content that otherwise might place strain on your eyes. Inverting colors is also a neat feature to use at night, because it basically changes all white text on your screen to black – which is comparatively easier to read in the dark.

Previous versions of OS X (up to OS X Lion) had a quick keyboard shortcut (Command + Option + 8) enabled by default to allow you to invert the colors of your display, but that’s changed in more recent versions of macOS. The option is still available – it’s just in your Mac’s System Preferences.

Follow the steps below to invert the colors of your Mac’s display:

1. Open System Preferences on your Mac. You can do this from your Dock or by using Spotlight.

2. In System Preferences, click on Accessibility, located in the bottom row.

Invert Colors Mac Accessibility

Here, you’ll have different options to help you change your Mac’s Accessibility settings to your liking.

3. From the pane on the left, click on Display.

Invert Colors Mac Invert

4. Check the option to “Invert Colors.” You’ll see an immediate change on your display, as all the colors will be inverted.

Invert Colors Mac Inverted

You can also select the option to include an Accessibility shortcut in your Mac’s status bar.

Invert Colors Mac Show In Status Bar

Another easy way to instantly access the Accessibility options on your Mac is by pressing the Command + Option + F5 keys, which will bring up an Accessibility menu similar to the one below.

Invert Colors Mac Shortcut

Do note that it’s only the display’s colors that are inverted. If you take a screenshot on your Mac, it’ll remain normal, and the inverted colors won’t show up.

It’s that simple. To revert to the normal colors at any time, simply uncheck the box, and you’ll be back to normal.

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