Tom Rankin, Author at Make Tech Easier Uncomplicating the complicated, making life easier Sat, 16 Jul 2022 18:00:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Peacock Flight TWS Earbuds Review: Professional Monitoring Earbuds Tue, 09 Nov 2021 18:25:00 +0000

You can almost age people by asking them what sort of headphones they used to wear. Those in their twilight years may have used huge over-the-ears headphones; 80s kids would use a smaller, metal framed, and discreet pair. The Peacock Flight TWS Earbuds from Linsoul look to give people in the 2020s a stylist twist on this generation’s favorite style.

Here, we take a look at the Peacock Flight TWS Earbuds to find out whether they sing sweetly or produce a froggy note.

Introducing the Peacock Flight TWS Earbuds

Linsoul has worked for two years to perfect these earbuds, with the goal of bringing professional-quality monitoring to the masses at a reasonable price. Given that the industry-standard models are around $1,000, and the Peacock Flight TWS Earbuds are less than this, it’s an ambitious task.

The earbuds offer the latest Bluetooth chipset, which means they should be easy to connect and use with a range of devices. Linsoul states that each pair is handmade and hand-painted. They are clearly proud of the design, and we agree that the mock-tortoiseshell looks gorgeous.

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10 of the Best Whiteboard Apps for Easier Collaboration Thu, 30 Sep 2021 21:25:00 +0000

No matter what your relationship is with your teammates, students, clients, or others, you need to collaborate. Because of this, there are many tools on the market that can help you. Pitching in on a digital whiteboard is the perfect way to develop ideas and build up a project. In this post, we look at the best whiteboard apps around. Before that, let’s talk about why using a whiteboard app is a good idea.

Why You’d Want to Use a Whiteboard App

At first glance, you may not understand the benefits of using a digital whiteboard app. For the unaware, this is a “blank space” app where you can develop an idea, much like a physical whiteboard. Everyone pitches in to create and push a project forward.

There are many use cases for a whiteboard app, and you can get creative with its application. For example:

  • To teach remote students and provide the layout as a downloadable file after a lesson.
  • A whiteboard your remote team can use “asynchronously”. In other words, you don’t need everyone in the same room to collaborate.
  • To create “living documents” for... Read more]]> 0 How to Record Your Screen on a Mac for Free Thu, 30 Sep 2021 15:25:00 +0000

    Recording your screen on a Mac used to be a real trial, but it’s now a straightforward process. In fact, there’s a native solution to record the screen on your Mac with high-quality video to boot. For this post, we show you how to record the screen on your Mac using the built-in tools and a few choice third-party ones.

    Using the Native Screenshot App to Record Your Screen on a Mac

    For the unaware, the native Screenshot app can also record your screen. You can find it using the keyboard shortcut or open Screenshot through Spotlight or your usual preferred method for opening apps.

    1. Press Command + Shift + 5 to open Screenshot. It will display as a floating toolbar at the bottom of your screen.
    The macOS Screenshot toolbar.
    1. There are two options to record your screen: record the entire screen
    Record Screen Screenshot Entire 1

    or a selected portion of your screen.

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    8 Useful and Interesting Bash Prompts Wed, 29 Sep 2021 15:25:00 +0000

    Many people don’t think of the command line prompt as a useful element, or even pay it much attention. However, a useful prompt can change the way you use the command line, and by extension, your system. This article shows you a number of useful and interesting Bash prompts with examples. Note that we begin with the prompts themselves, then offer some further instructions on how to work with them.

    Here we offer a few Bash prompts, and not all will be serious. For example, our first entry on the list could bring a little joy to you when using the command line!

    1. Show a “Kaomoji” upon successful execution

    This prompt is amusing yet useful! The idea is that as long as you execute successful commands, your prompt will show a happy kaomoji.

    Read more]]> 3 10 of the Best Ebook Readers for Windows, macOS, and Mobile Wed, 22 Sep 2021 21:25:00 +0000

    Ebooks provide a convenient way to read digital content on an Amazon Kindle, a smart device, tablet, laptop, desktop machine, and more. The popularity of ebook readers for these multiple platforms shows that digital formats are replacing physical books. In this post, we’re run through the best ebook reader apps for various devices.

    1. Amazon Kindle (Windows, macOS)

    It’s not the most obscure suggestion, but the official Kindle ebook reader app is a continuation of the hardware device, so that Kindle books can be read across multiple platforms. A big part of the Kindle app’s appeal is that you can bring up your notes, view your libraries, and continue reading between multiple devices.

    The Amazon Kindle app.

    Read more]]> 0 How to Fix the “Scratch Disks Are Full” Error in Photoshop Wed, 15 Sep 2021 00:25:00 +0000

    No matter what software you use, errors will happen. Some can be difficult to diagnose and fix, while others are more straightforward. For this post, we’re examine the “Scratch Disks Are Full” error in Photoshop.

    What Is a Scratch Disk?

    A scratch disk is hard disk space that is temporarily allocated to any given running application to store transitional data. You can think of it as “over-spill” for your RAM. While it depends on the program itself, Photoshop uses the scratch disk to store slices of your documents and history panel. By default, Photoshop uses the same hard drive as the operating system.

    When you see the “Scratch Disks Are Full” error, this means that the scratch disk you assign is either completely full or (more likely) close to capacity. As such, there are a few methods you can carry out to resolve the issue.

    How to Fix the “Scratch Disks Are Full” Error in Photoshop

    The below methods are in no particular order and aren’t exclusive to one another. As such, you can jump to any method and start there and... Read more]]> 0 ePUB Explained: What You Need to Know About this Ebook Format Tue, 14 Sep 2021 00:25:00 +0000

    Digital reading is big business, and with it comes a number of different formats. While PDF, MOBI, and more are all options, the ePUB format is a widely-supported open format for ebooks that is important to understand. In this post, we discuss the ePUB format in detail and show you show to open an ebook using the .epub extension.

    What Is ePUB?

    The “Electronic Publication” (ePUB) file format is an open method of creating an ebook. It’s been at the forefront of open standards for digital reading for more than a decade and is a vendor-independent standard for publishing digital books.

    The format uses XHTML and CSS within the file to render pages, which means it’s a straightforward format for producing content. It combines with the Open Packing Format (OPF) to provide aspects such as a table of contents, metadata, and other ebook features.

    Overall, it’s a flexible way to produce an ebook, and it holds a number of benefits over other formats.

    Why Choose the ePUB Format Over Others?

    When it comes to other ebook file formats, you’ll come up... Read more]]> 1 Linedock Dock for MacBook Pro Review Tue, 07 Sep 2021 17:25:00 +0000

    For a long time, Apple devices have been a staple within professional settings. Graphic designers, photographers, videographers, developers, and more all consider the Mac an industry-standard tool. This is because of its solidity and quality. MacBook Pro machines mean you can take this quality on the move, but there’s always been a question mark about battery life, hard drive capacity, and connectivity. In this Linedock 16″ Dock for MacBook Pro review, we introduce you to a docking station that could solve all of these answers for you.

    The Price We Pay For Cooler MacBooks and Longer Battery Life

    The idea of a docking station is that you should be able to power your MacBook with a feeling of comparable power to a desktop machine. At the very least, you’ll want the same experience you get from plugging your MacBook into the wall.

    As time has gone on, Apple has removed a lot of the inner workings in order to deliver on the battery times consumers ask for. The MacBook Air line showcases this, as the newer model has two USB-C ports, a 3.5mm headphone jack, and little else. Even the... Read more]]> 0 How to Fix AirDrop on Mac (Or Any Apple Device) Mon, 06 Sep 2021 15:25:00 +0000

    In many ways, AirDrop is a feature without an interface. It’s polarizing as for many users, it either works or it doesn’t. On the surface, there are few things you can do when it’s not working. In this post, we take a look at how to fix AirDrop issues on Mac, iPhone, and iPad.

    How AirDrop Works

    AirDrop uses Bluetooth to create an ad hoc, peer-to-peer Wi-Fi network between two Apple devices. It uses Wi-Fi to transmit data and Bluetooth “Low Energy” to detect devices and establish a connection.

    Once the data transfer is complete, the connection dissolves the ad hoc network. It’s worth noting that AirDrop doesn’t use slower Near-Field Communication (NFC), which some Android devices use for local file transfers.

    AirDrop uses encryption upon transit, which means a malicious user cannot read or intercept it. Also, AirDrop will automatically detect any compatible devices and will only require a reliable Wi-Fi connection for file transfers. This lets you transfer data at a greater distance than Bluetooth would normally support – up to 30 feet away in some cases.

    ... Read more]]> 0 How to Install macOS on a USB Drive Sat, 04 Sep 2021 19:25:00 +0000

    A cloned version of your macOS installation on a portable USB drive can be invaluable if your system suddenly fails to boot. It can give you troubleshooting options and even permit you to keep working with an identical copy of your files. While internal hard drives are the best way to create bootable copies of your system, a USB drive can also work. You will learn in this guide how to install macOS on a USB drive.

    How to Install macOS on a USB Drive

    You’ll want to use the Disk Utility app for this method. First, right-click the USB drive in Disk Utility and click “Erase.”

    Format your USB drive as “Mac OS Extended (Journaled)” and choose the GUID Partition Map scheme.

    Formatting a USB drive using Disk Utility.

    If you can’t... Read more]]> 2 How to Fix Mac Wi-Fi Problems and Dropped Connections Wed, 01 Sep 2021 00:25:00 +0000

    Like any computer, your Mac can be vulnerable to Wi-Fi problems and dropped connections. In this article, we show you some troubleshooting steps to take if your Mac’s Wi-Fi stops working. We cover adjusting your packet size, resetting the PRAM and SMC, configuring the DNS, changing location, and deleting and re-adding the Wi-Fi configuration.

    Diagnose Your Mac’s Wi-Fi Problems

    A good place to start when looking at Mac Wi-Fi problems and dropping or lost connections is to diagnose the issue. The native macOS Wireless Diagnostics tool can be quite helpful.

    You can open it in a few ways: through Spotlight or by holding the Option key and opening the Wi-Fi settings within the Control Center.

    The Open Wireless Diagnostics link.
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    Epomaker AK84S Mechanical Keyboard Review Fri, 27 Aug 2021 17:25:00 +0000

    Most users don’t think about the type of keyboard they use on a day-to-day basis. In fact, many laptop users don’t get a choice of default keyboard. The Epomaker AK84S Mechanical Keyboard by Skyloong looks to change this, with a sturdy and sleek mechanical keyboard suitable for all Windows machines and Apple devices. Follow along with this review and see how it performs.

    The Difference Between a Mechanical and Optical Keyboard

    Before we get into the keyboard itself, it’s a good idea to discuss the difference between a mechanical keyboard and its optical variant.

    Starting with the latter, this is the most common type of keyboard switch type, as it’s cheap to produce and requires less moving parts. It works through light, with each key emitting a small light not visible to the user under the keyboard itself. When you press a key, it obstructs the light, sending a signal to the computer.

    In contrast, mechanical keyboards have many more moving parts and are often heavier as a result. These switches use electrical currents to determine which keys are active. The result is often... Read more]]> 0 Everything About Apple Silicon and the M1 Chip That You Need To Know Tue, 24 Aug 2021 15:25:00 +0000

    Never one to rest on their laurels, Apple has unveiled a way to make their machines surpass the competition. Apple Silicon (specifically the M1 chip) promises to deliver unparalleled performance to all machines.

    In this post, we give you the lowdown on Apple Silicon. By the end, you’ll know whether it’s right for you!

    What Is Apple Silicon?

    Apple Silicon is a term to describe all of the Central Processing Units (CPUs) made through Apple’s engineering team. In other words, Apple Silicon are in-house processors for Apple devices.

    An obscured Apple logo.

    You’ll find in-house chips throughout the smaller form-factor product line, such as iPad and iPhone. These so-called “A chips” have plenty of processing power, with complex and intelligent architecture.

    Desktop Macs are getting the opportunity to run on Apple Silicon. Before we can get into the processor, we need to talk about the differences in architecture on a broad level.

    ARM vs. x86 Processors

    The vast majority of computer processors for... Read more]]> 2 The Best Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) Apps That Sync With Multiple Devices Fri, 20 Aug 2021 05:25:00 +0000

    If you’re conscious about your online security, two-factor authentication (2FA) should be on your radar. For the unaware, it’s a better way to validate your identity when you log in to a website than just a single password. It will provide a one-time code that you’ll enter into a dedicated field which authenticates your other credentials. In this post, we look at some 2FA apps that sync across devices, to let you log in wherever you are.

    Why You Should Use Multi-Device 2FA Apps

    The main reason why you should use a 2FA app to sync codes is flexibility. For example, you may use multiple devices across a number of different locations. This is relevant if you work remotely or otherwise away from the office.

    What’s more, if you use the same 2FA app on a smartphone, tablet, and even desktop, you don’t have to worry about carrying a specific device with you. Regardless of your current location, if you have any of your devices, you’ll be able to log in with safety – a boon if you’re security conscious.

    If you aren’t yet on... Read more]]> 3 5 Simple (Yet Cool) Drawing Apps for Mac Mon, 16 Aug 2021 21:25:00 +0000

    Mac attracts creatives for a couple of reasons. It’s either the typical standard for certain niches, or it has high performance standards. While other operating systems are certainly capable of offering the same, creatives still clamor for a Mac. With that reputation, it has some great drawing apps, but they don’t have to be complex. Here we look at some simple drawing apps for Mac, along with some more advanced solutions.

    1. Preview’s Markup

    Before diving into a pool of drawing apps for Mac and testing each one, you’ll want to take a look at the simplest drawing app built in to macOS Preview: Markup. In fact, it’s available across all Apple devices and is technically more of an annotation app. Still, you can draw with it, and it may be perfect for your needs.

    Once you open an image in... Read more]]> 0 How to Type Euro, Cent, Yen and Other Currency Symbols on Your Mac Thu, 12 Aug 2021 10:25:00 +0000

    Regardless of whether you’re new to macOS or using a new keyboard, you might be struggling to find special characters and symbols. For this post, we show you how to use the Character Viewer and Keyboard Viewer to type characters such as a Euro sign on the Mac. This includes other currency signs, such as the Yen or Cent, and also special characters and symbols too.

    How to Change Your macOS Keyboard Layout

    You can always switch to a different keyboard layout via your Mac’s System Preferences. For example, you could decide to switch to the UK keyboard layout to access some special characters.

    To change your layout, first navigate to the “System Preferences -> Keyboard” screen.

    The Keyboard Preferences screen.

    From here, select the “Input Sources” tab.

    Read more]]> 1 How to Make Custom Watch Faces for Apple Watch Tue, 10 Aug 2021 10:25:00 +0000

    Part of what has made the Apple Watch so popular is its vast amount of customization options. You can create custom watch faces for your Apple wearable to make it one of a kind. This post takes a look at how to create custom watch faces for Apple Watch, and how to upload them.

    Why You’d Want to Make Custom Watch Faces for Apple Watch

    While the Apple Watch does have a lot of customization options, you can create a unique experience for your exact needs. Further, some of the available watch faces are fantastic but don’t have enough (or too many) “complications.” In order to get the right blend of features and design, you may want to consider creating your own.

    There are two ways to create custom watch faces for the Apple Watch. Below we... Read more]]> 0 How to Install and Use wget on Mac Fri, 30 Jul 2021 17:25:00 +0000

    There are plenty of ways you can download resources from the web. Other than your browser, you can also use a tool like wget to download resources from the Web while you do something else. In this article, we show you how to download and use wget on Mac.

    What is wget (And What It’s Used For)?

    For the unaware, wget is an open-source non-interactive command-line utility to help you download resources from a specified URL. Because it is non-interactive, wget can work in the background or before you even log in.

    It’s a project by the GNU team, and it’s great if you have a poor Internet connection. This means it’s robust in otherwise non-optimal conditions.

    Once you install wget, you’ll run commands and specify a destination for your files. We show you how... Read more]]> 0 The Differences Between Deep Web and Dark Web: What You Need to Know Thu, 29 Jul 2021 05:25:00 +0000

    If Aquaman has taught us anything, it’s that there is more going on under the surface than we realize. To continue this nautical theme, there are many similarities between the Internet and the oceans. They both have surface, deep, and dark web layers. These layers are unexplored for the most part. We will take a look at the deep web and dark web in this guide and show you the differences between the deep web and dark web.

    What Is The Surface Web?

    This aspect of the Internet is straightforward to explain. The surface web is what you’re looking at now, and it is the “Internet” we have all come to know. It’s the slice of the Internet you can easily connect to from your browser. In other words, the surface web is publicly accessible by anyone with an... Read more]]> 3 How to Combine Scanned Documents into PDF on macOS Mon, 26 Jul 2021 10:25:00 +0000

    There are two basic situations you may encounter when you want to combine scanned documents in macOS. Either you already have scanned files to combine, or you haven’t yet scanned the files and want to combine them during the scanning process. The good news is that you don’t need any additional software for this. There are native macOS tools to handle this process for you.

    In this post, we show you how to combine scanned documents into one PDF file on macOS. In fact, this can work with other images and PDFs too, not just scanned documents.

    How to Combine Images into One PDF

    First, open the images you want to combine into PDF within Preview. Of course, you can open multiple images at the same time to speed up the process.

    In some cases, you may... Read more]]> 0