How to Check the Weather on Your Windows 10 Desktop

Featured Image Weather Apps Desktop

The fastest way to check the weather is on Google search itself. With less than a flick of a finger, you receive an hour-by-hour summary of temperature, precipitation and humidity for any location worldwide. However, if you are using Windows 10, you might want to use one of these applications to check the weather on your desktop, as they provide more detailed information than Google.

1. Windows 10 Default Weather App

The default Weather app on Windows 10 comes bundled with the operating system and is updated with each version. You can access it directly from the Start menu.

Windows 10 Default Weather App

Enter any location on the search menu to get tons of weather-related information. This includes accurate, insightful details such as temperature, wind speed, visibility, barometric pressure, humidity and “feels like” trends.

Windows 10 Default Weather App Readings

The detailed summaries stretch into hour-by -hour updates, historical precipitation trends, thunderstorm predictions, ultra-violet index, moonrise and moonset times and moon phases.

Detailed Summaries Weather Forecast

It gets even better with satellite reports, radar forecasts and cloud-cover summaries.

Satellite Maps

Historical weather patterns, number of snow days and rainfall trends are among other available features.

Historical Weather Patterns Snow Days Weather App

Since Microsoft’s built-in weather app is absolutely free to use, it is highly recommended and is also one of its finest desktop tools.

2. WeatherBug

Close on the heels of the Windows app, WeatherBug is highly rated due to its absolutely brilliant attention to details. The app is compact and does not take much space on your computer (only 2.8 MB). However, it still packs a punch with tremendous weather insights.

Weatherbug Details

Apart from the ten-day and hourly forecasts, and the usual data regarding temperature, humidity and pressure, you get live camera views. This is clearly the closest thing to physically being at a place. Accordingly, you can plan your travel based on live weather feeds on a camera.

Live Camera Views

Additionally, the app has a “Maps” feature which gives you further insights into allergies, drought, flu activity, hurricane trackers and lightning.

Maps Weather Bug

Clearly, Weather Bug is an amazing weather app and remains free to use.

3. Weather Radar Pro

If you’re a meteorologist or someone who knows the meaning of terms like “tornadic vortex signature” or “mesocyclone,” you should go for a radar app. Weather Radar Pro is available for download at Microsoft Store for only $2.49.

Weather Radar Pro Homescreen Image

You can find out everything from storm attributes to the size of hail and satellite imagery of up-to-date weather patterns. This app is highly rated for its ability to predict storms and hurricanes, which means if rogue weather strikes, you will be the first one to know and can save lives.

Europe Weather Radar

The only limitation of this radar data app is that it is limited to the U.S., Europe and the Caribbean.

4. 8-Bit Weather

8 Bit Weather Homescreen

Video-game lovers might certainly enjoy this one. 8-bit Weather uses an iconic video game canvas to give you accurate, up-to-date weather insights. For those of us who find the subject of weather dreary and boring, this is a refreshing way to adjust to the details.

5. Forecast

If you want to change Windows 10 default app, you might want to go with Forecast which looks very similar. Available for only $1.49 at Microsoft Store, the app offers more meticulous graphs capturing the mood of the weather gods on the go.

Forecast App Temperature Predictions

Not only do you get slightly more insights compared to the Windows default app, there are slightly more themes to choose from. Just because the weather is gloomy outside does not mean that your desktop theme should reflect it.


Getting accurate weather insights was usually the preserve of the experts. However, with some of these modern apps, you can get as close to being one. Which is your favorite desktop weather app? Please let us know in the comments.

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