How to Transfer Files from Android Phone to Smart TV

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Smart TVs, particularly Android TVs, have become popular, with their sales skyrocketing due to the smart features with integration across varied platforms. As an Android television owner, you may want to listen to music, watch videos, or even view documents on your TV directly from your phone. Transferring files from your Android phone to a smart TV is an easy process once you know how to maneuver around it.

We will look at two ways to transfer files from your Android phone to your Android smart TV.

Transferring Files Using a Third-Party App

Even though both the phones and TV are built on the same platform, there is no defined official method of sharing files between them.

Send Files to TV is a popular application for sharing files from the phone to the television set, both Android and PC. Here is how you can utilize the application to make file transfers:

1. To get started, you need to install the application on both your phone and Android TV. It is available at no charge, so you don’t have to worry about spending extra money.

2. After the installation procedure, the next step is to tap the icon of the app on the television, then click on the Receive toggle.

Sfttv Receive

Open the application on your Android phone and select the Send option.

Sfttv Home

3. Upon clicking, the application opens a file browser to choose those files you would like to view on your Android television set.

Sfttv Files

4. Send Files to TV detects the recipient and initiates the process of transferring.

5. At that time, when the transfer has halted, you will see the chosen files on your television.

Sfttv Success

Here, you can explore any of the files you chose, and open and view them.

Using the Cloud Service Option

Another way of viewing files from your Android phone on your television is by using a cloud service. This technique does not require a similar Wi-Fi network for the connection.

1. The first step is to install the Solid Explorer app on your television. It is free, though it offers some in-app purchases.

2. After the app has been fully installed, click to open.

Sfttv Cloud Storagemanager

3. On the three-dotted menu in the top-left corner, select “Storage Manager.”

4. You will see a menu showing connection type. Select whichever you find suitable.

Sfttv Cloud Connectiontype

There is a wide variety, including Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, and FTP, among others.

5. Once you have clicked on the connection type of choice, click on Next at the top right of the screen.

Sfttv Cloud Name

It will ask you to write the words you want to be displayed, although it is an optional step.

6. Next, you will be required to log in to the connection type you selected.

Sfttv Cloud Acselect

The app will take you to an account linked to your TV or allow you to add another account from the toggle option.

From here, the Solid Explorer app will give you an option to allow permission to access the files.

Sfttv Cloud Permission 1

You can opt to add a Google account that is not linked to personal files. It will protect your personal information from being accessed by a third-party app.

Sfttv Cloud Review

7. The next step is to tap on Next and review all the details you submitted or linked to your accounts.

Sfttv Cloud Connect

Finally, the last step is to click on Connect. However, you may be told to input a new password to protect your files on Solid Explorer.

8. When you go back to the Storage Manager menu, you will find your selected connection type.

Sfttv Cloud Successssssssss

Now you can send files to your added cloud storage from your mobile phone and access it on TV and vice versa.

Happy Sharing

These are the two seamless ways you can share files from your Android phone to a smart TV. Both of them are free and easy to use, giving you a chance to explore the many ways you can integrate technology into your day-to-day life.

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