Comments on: FCC Urges Apple and Google to Ban TikTok as Security Threat Uncomplicating the complicated, making life easier Sun, 03 Jul 2022 12:59:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: Arcus Sun, 03 Jul 2022 12:59:02 +0000 What a ruse. This is all politically motivated, as China has joined Russia in breaking US hegemony and as the fastest rising economic and political superpower is perceived as competition to the US government’s efforts to establish complete control of global markets. Watch closely, and you’ll notice over the coming years China will also be vilified as Russia has been, yet the picture is far more complex than compliant western media would make it seem. The irony is they’ve based their business models on those here in the west; they learned from us.
Facebook, Twitter, and all western Big Tech companies also are known to collect vast troves of information on its clients/consumers, often without their knowledge or consent, so they’re accusing a Chinese company of essentially practicing what western companies have already been doing, and government collusion has been well established within these major tech firms for years. This article is essentially tiresome propaganda.

By: Bobtoda Leftn'right Fri, 01 Jul 2022 01:50:42 +0000 Kinda silly, asking two of the world’s largest surveillance companies to ban another of the world’s largest surveillance companies. The Chinese (if that’s the real concern) can certainly get all the info they want without tiktok.

Tiktok is beyond lame but they hit the phone addict nail on the head with those cringy short vids. Actually, the dances are the best part of tiktok. It’s supposed to be disposable, I guess.

Banning facebook, Instagram and twitter would have many more positive effects on phone culture.
