How to Type Morse Code in Gboard App

Google's Gboard has made typing Morse code a simple task. Here's how to do it.

Gboard Morse Code Featured

Morse code is the language of two distinct signals, which are combined in a variety of ways to signify every letter in English. That means that Morse code allows you to type entire sentences using only two buttons. Gboard has made this process even simpler. You can use the app to type in Morse code if for some medical or other reason you are unable to type on the regular Gboard.

Setting Up the Morse Code Gboard

  1. Open the Settings app and search for “Keyboard Settings.”
Search For Keyboard Settings On Android
  1. Find and open the Gboard settings from the input methods section.
Enabling Gboard From Keyboard Settings
  1. Within Gboard settings, navigate and open the “Languages” tab.
Gboard Settings
  1. Click on “Add Keyboard.”
List Of Avaibale Keyboards
  1. In the next window, tap on the search bar to find, search and add the English (US) keyboard.
Search For Keyboard In Gboard Settings
  1. A new page will be revealed with various types of English keyboard layouts to choose from, such as QWERTY or QWERTZ.
  2. Scroll left past the layout types until you see the option titled “Morse code” and click “Done.”
Select Morse Code Keyboard Layout From Gboard Settings
  1. You should now be able to see the Morse code keyboard in the list of languages in Gboard settings.
Morse Code Keyboard Added

Turning on Morse Code Texting

  1. Open an app that requires typing of some kind, like Messages.
  2. Bring up your Gboard on the screen.
  3. Press the globe icon to bring up a list of keyboard options.
Enable Gboard Keyboard In Android Settings
  1. One of the options will be the Morse code keyboard. Select this option, and the Gboard screen will change, removing the letters and numbers and splitting the keyboard into two equal sections.
Select A Keyboard Android
  1. The Morse code keyboard should now be visible. Tapping on either section of the Gboard will send one of the two Morse signals.
Gboard Morse Code Dashboard

These signals will then be converted into letters and numbers, which will be displayed at the top of the app in the suggestion bar. You can type entire sentences in this fashion.

Customizing the Keyboard

You can further customize the Morse code keyboard by going back to “System -> Languages -> Input.” Tap on “Virtual Keyboard -> Gboard -> the Language of your choice -> Morse Code.”

Scroll down the page to see a list of customization options which include:

Gboard Aditional Settings

Character/Word Timeout: changing how long Gboard takes to convert a Morse code sequence into a letter and for those letters to be converted into words.

Repeat Keystrokes: this enables you to repeat a keystroke while holding down the button.

Sound on Keypress: keys will make a sound to indicate when you have pressed them.

Mini Keyboard Height: controls the dimensions of the virtual keyboard.

Gboard Additional Settings Part Two

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How to Fix ‘Unfortunately Gboard has stopped’ Error on Android?

If you are getting an error message that says “Unfortunately Gboard has stopped” while switching from English to Morse keyboard layout, it can be due to a corrupted cache or an outdated app version. To fix this issue, you can try clearing out the app cache from settings or reinstalling the Gboard app.

How to use physical switches to type text in morse code using Gboard?

You can use physical switches to type Morse code using the Gboard app by using Android Switch Access. Gboard can automatically recognize your switch device’s inputs as the dot (.) and dash (-) characters and if you have two switches, you can assign each of them to represent either a dot (.) or a dash (-).

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